For all new and returning members of PCCHE, we ask that you read and affirm the following Policies and Procedures for members and students. These policies were designed to assist Christian homeschooling families in coming together under the umbrella of PCCHE. As an organization, PCCHE seeks to honor Christ in both behavior and appearance, and to further the kingdom individually and collectively. PCCHE is aware that we bring together families with diverse cultural and spiritual backgrounds and that as Christ followers, our beliefs and behaviors are often in conflict with the culture of this world. We are commanded to “be sober and self-controlled” and to “be watchful” because our “adversary…seeks whom he may devour” 1 Peter 5:8. We are aware the world watches us, and forms an opinion of us, based on their observations. It is our belief that we are required to take an active stance in delineating standards that will protect our members and families within the confines and activities sponsored by PCCHE. We seek to create and promote an environment in which we carry out the spirit of Philippians 2:2-4 “by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. Doing nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind, regarding one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely looking out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.”(italics added) We pray that as you are served in humility by the leadership of PCCHE, so you will also serve one another in humility and unite in spirit and intent for one purpose. It is our hope that you will approach these policies and procedures and each other as “fervent in your love for one another, because” we know that “love covers a multitude of sins” 1 Peter 4:8.

Dress Code:

Regarding each individual’s personal appearance; PCCHE requires every member to dress professionally and modestly. Adopting the “above reproach” standard would be wise. If you think what you are wearing or presenting might be found offensive by another member, please change or cover up.

Shorts- Shorts must be longer than your finger tips when arms are at your sides. Please raise arms above your head and then touch your toes to make sure everything remains covered. Shorts and pants may not contain any suggestive wording and must be free of holes above the knee. Boxer shorts should not be visible.

Tops- No spaghetti straps or shirts with straps thinner than a two finger width measurement. No exposed tummy or hips and no cleavage. No tight fitting tops, no tube tops or halter tops. No exposed bra straps. No suggestive print or wording on clothes including graphic images, crude humor or disrespectful language.

Dresses and Skirts – Skirts should be knee length. No miniskirts. Those who are unable to sit or play without exposing their undergarments are encouraged to wear shorts under dresses or pants.

Undergarments- Undergarments are required and should not be exposed. This includes lace bralettes and sports bras.

Any PCCHE event that requires a swimsuit: No bikinis/exposed midriff. Modest necklines must be observed by men/women/boys/girls.

Piercings- Piercings are limited to girl’s earrings.

Tattoos- Tattoos containing nudity, obscene language, or any imagery that could be considered satanic or evil in nature (including skulls) are strictly forbidden. All other tattoos must be subtle and discreetly placed so they will not pose as a distraction to others. Tattoos that are large or prominently placed should be covered either with clothing, sleeve, or Band-Aid of some kind. Students may not have exposed tattoos of any kind or of any size.

Hair- Hair must be clean and well-kept, any long hair should be pulled back for safety and sanitary reasons as the need arises in accordance with activity participation. While unnatural hair colors (green, pink etc.) are not expressly forbidden, we encourage members to consider waiting to color their hair during the summer break.

The behaviors and attitudes of PCCHE members should reflect that of Christ. “With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit and the bond of peace.” Eph 4:2-3
Children are expected to respond to adults with the title: Mr., Mrs., or Miss and the adult’s preference for first or last name. They are also expected to treat all materials of other individuals, host facilities and campuses with respect. We are to leave wherever we go in better condition than it was when we came. There is also to be no public display of affection amongst our pre-teen and teen members.

Parents and students alike are to act in a manner that is respectful and upright. Bad attitudes, temper tantrums, outbursts, grumbling and the like are not appropriate.

PCCHE holds to a ZERO tolerance policy regarding the following behaviors:
Profane Language– There will be no cursing including the use of the Lord’s name in vain. Please report the use foul language to the proper authorities. Please refrain from language that is considered “questionable” or “crude”. Those “soft” curse words we tend to use. If a toddler shouldn’t say it, neither should you.
Bullying – There will be no bullying of any kind at any PCCHE function. This includes but is not limited to: degrading or hateful speech, teasing, excluding others, and physical assault. If you witness any bullying by either child or adult, please address it and/or report it to the board.
Racism – PCCHE will not tolerate any racist jokes or hate speech. Any language falling under this description prompts notification to the proper authority.
Alcohol/Tobacco Use– There is to be no consumption of alcohol at any PCCHE sponsored event. Tobacco use of any kind is not allowed. This includes vaping.
Gossip– PCCHE members are to refrain from engaging in gossip about other PCCHE members past or present. If what you have to say is not edifying in nature and/or you are not willing to say it to the individual concerned, it does not need to be said to anyone. If you have a conflict with another member and do not intend to bring the issue to the individual, then please do not speak to others about it.

What should you do if you’ve been offended by another member’s dress or behavior? Please follow this simple process derived from Matthew 18.

If another member has personally offended you:

1.) Decide if the issue is worth addressing. If it is, you alone are to approach the member privately. You may express your issue with gentleness and respect. You should expect a humble response and the issue should be resolved. No need to mention it to anyone else. If you feel unable to approach the member in person, an email is suggested.
2.) If the issue is not resolved after your first attempt, or you are met with hostility of any kind, you should make a second attempt at reconciliation this time taking with you a witness. This can be a board member. If nothing can be resolved at this point the board should be notified and will review the issue from here.
3.) If at any time you notice someone breaking any part of the constitution or you come into information that might be considered a safety concern, you should take that information immediately to any member of the board. A child should report any safety concerns to their parents or an adult.

If you’ve offended another member:

1) You are to receive rebuke in an even tempered manner with an attitude befitting that of a follower of Christ. You are to then apologize for the offense and change your behavior if it was in violation of any PCCHE documents. You should not discuss the issue further and strive to maintain the “unity of the Spirit and the bond of peace.”

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